Thursday, September 18, 2008

Mane Matters

I had a hair cut today!

So now I lost all the straightened part of my hair and its back to wavy wavy.

Its still shoulder length-don't think short hair will suit me.

I always go in thinking that I will just get a plain, simple and neat style but I always give into temptation and get something else done ;-)

And I think so much about getting a haircut but after I do it, when I see my locks on the floor, i feel soooo guilty about cutting them off!

Oh well I think it looks good. If not-it will grow back anyways :-))

1 comment:

  1. Oh I saw it!!!! had to run to the nearest ATM to pay the money for the haircut.
    BTW the hair was so wavy....i thought that you was wearing a wig.


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